Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Star sighting

Tonight was an exciting night at the Banana Republic. I was waiting on a customer and his friend, when I realized that the friend was...Michael Buble!! He's in town for a sold-out concert at the BJCC, and they had come in to buy his bass player a new jacket. Crazy.

We chatted for a while about how long it had taken for him to become famous in the US and how no one recognizes him. Needless to say, he was really excited that I did recognize him. And though he cursed probably 5 times in the 5 minutes that we talked, he was incredibly nice and called me sweetheart as he left. My sister's boyfriend and my aunt were foaming at the mouth with jealousy!!

No other news here. I have emailed the South African embassy about a student visa, but no reply. I will begin my research tomorrow! In somewhat related news, I did buy a guitar and will begin lessons soon. It's a 1980s model used Blueridge, which is quite a nice guitar. I can't wait to be in South Africa playing my guitar and talking to people with beautiful accents...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Beautiful accents"? Ugh. I'm sorry to say that I really don't like South African accents, especially Afrikaans ones. It's one aspect of living here that I don't care for.

Or maybe you meant the Zulu or Xhosa or Ndebele or SeTswana or Sepedi or Sotho, etc., etc. accents? Now *those* I can live with!

I'm signing this as anonymous because I don't want to offend any South Africans who may read this, but you can probably guess who I am. :) Looking forward to seeing you here in January, Lisa!