Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Madiba Shuffle

Hello again from the Rainbow Country! Still no pictures to let you know about the rainbow, though. Tomorrow I move into residence, so that should be it. Promise (I hope)!

Just a few notes for you about South Africa/politics/history, etc. As many of you know, I have a minor obsession with/slight crush on both former President Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Seriously, they're both pretty wonderful, and so living in South Africa can only help this out. I am currently reading Desmond Tutu's book, No Future Without Forgiveness, a chronicle of the apartheid state in South Africa and his leadership in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, begun to air the atrocities committed during apartheid. If you ever need a really good read, that would definitely be it! His understanding of Christian forgiveness and the political need for reconciliation are incredible and humbling. If you've ever struggled with forgiveness (and who hasn't?!), it's very much worth the read. Oh, and by the way, I went to a church today that Desmond has walked in. Does it make me a stalker that this is exciting? I dont' think so, either.

As for my buddy Nelson, I got to meet a several stories high version of Madiba today in Nelson Mandela Square at the Sandton Tower. In this depiction, Nelson is doing the "Madiba Shuffle," the common name for the little shuffly dance he does so often (I'm sure you've seen it). Madiba is Nelson's given name--Nelson is a Christian/English name given to him when he was in school. So, the first picture you should be able to see I think will be this one. It's of me and Nelson shuffling together, though he's a little large to notice that I'm around. Of course, when we meet in person, that will not be the case. ;)

Tomorrow will be my 23rd birthday. My friend from the states, Katy G., is taking me to dinner after I go to the airport to fetch one of the other Rotary scholars from the states. Should be a lovely day.

Finally, you ought to know that it's hot. REALLY hot. 30+ degrees. Now for all of you Fahrenheit fans, that's about 85-90. No, no "air-con" here, just the good ole open windows. I never knew that I would need one of those little DisneyWorld-type personal fans! Shame.

Miss you all, but having a great time. As they say in South Africa, "Go well."


Anonymous said...

Happy early b'day. I'm afraid my card will be a little late, but will you really complain about getting to stretch your birthday out?

You a Nelson are going to be friends. I just know it!

Jon David said...

2 days and counting! I must say that, as wonderful as my time in the land of Milk and Honey has been, that I'm ready for a little heat. After all, there's the beach, right? As for Nelson, we'll just let your birthday present be the assurance of knowing that WHEN I meet him, not if, then you'll be invited. But you have to promise to do the same if you're the one who can charm his friends into giving you an invite. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear, Lisa!
Happy Birthday to you!

Could you hear me sing? I hope you have something grand to eat while you celebrate your special day. I'm sure it won't be pimiento and cheese, cranberry relish, or banana pudding. In fact, be sure to share some wonderful South African recipes with us.


Stan said...

Well Lisa,
Since it is your birthday, the only thing I have to say is, happy birthday.
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Take lots of pictures (whether you post them or not) and keep a journal for your own use.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Lisa! I've been enjoying reading your blog. This is my first foray into blog reading and responding. Enjoy the heat. Is there a breeze? I would imagine that the night sky looks entirely different. Keep us posted on your experiences. We are thinking of you often.

Dalton said...

Happy birthday, old pal. Desmond (or D$ as I call him) taught here at Candler for a couple of years. Dr. Saliers does quite an impression.

Anonymous said...

So I hate to burst your bubble on your birthday, but I was actually in St. George's Cathedral, Cape Town, for over an hour with Tutu during mass...only three feet away from him...except for when I had to step closer to receive the bread he blessed or shake his hand as he told me "Happy New Year." Anyways, I absolutely LOVED South Africa and know that you will have nothing short of an amazing experience. I look forward to keeping up with your blog...Natalie A.

Soprano said...


I'm going to live vicariously through you, because you are having a fantastic life right now! I hope that you and Nelson get to shuffle together in real life very soon! I know that you will be BFF, soulmates even. I would share you with Mr. Mandela. :)

Justice Breyer is coming to the law school tomorrow. I'm giddy!

I miss you!

<3, abs

Anonymous said...

Having heroes doesn't make you a stalker Litha. But evidently, leaving an anonymous post without a name does...

lenwa said...

there were several things i was going to tell you, but i only remember a few for they are...

1. happy birthday! did you have a fabulous day?
2. want to pay for my flight to jo-burg? cause i'd be there in a heartbeat!
3. whenever the thermometer went over 30 in australia...i stopped drying my hair and tried to get ready using the least amount of movement possible...b/c the more movement, the more sweating...ugh.
4. change your word's default spell checker to australian english, british english or if they have it...south african will make your life SO much easier...however writing emails becomes a little crazy b/c you like to mix the spellings...
5. also, do they call the car's hood a bonnet?
6. i really like the pleasure instead of you're welcome...very spiff.
7. snapfish is really easy to upload photos to, but i'm not totally sure how it works in allowing other people to view the albums? not sure...photobucket is pretty easy to have others view, but as for uploading things, snapfish is easier...i think there's also some google photo album thing, might want to check that.
8. miss you and i love reading about your travels! you are fantastic!
9. many many many many hugs!

Katy G. said...

I was in Pretoria yesterday, and it was 35C. Gasp.

Miriam said...

Yay! I'm glad you have a blog!