Friday, August 04, 2006

New place

Well, many of you have asked about my new digs, so here is the scoop. I have just moved into a basement apartment in a friend's parents' house, and it is absolutely wonderful. I have begun to cook for myself--which is pretty fun--but the highlight of it all has been going grocery shopping. The Publix down the street is just so nice, and everyone who works there speaks to you, even if just in passing. And to top it all off, I know people who shop at my grocery store! For a girl who is longing for a sense of community in a new place, this was a great treat. And today I even bought some hydroponic lettuce. Too much fun!

I am not making a terrible amount of progress on Rotary stuff, so next week that begins in full swing. Carl has been here visiting this week, and we have had a blast. It's always good to have a little brother around.

I promise to impart some more of Nelson's wisdom soon. In the meantime, call me and come by to see the new place!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I am thoroughly enjoying your blog, though I know most of the stuff going on : ) It is fun to see your mind at work on the screen. Lots of love and see you tonight.