Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tallahassee Lassie

Emmy will definitely be a little sick to her stomach when she reads the post title, but it's the best I could come up with. There aren't many songs with "Tallahassee" as the subject. Oh, well. If you have a better suggestion (and I'm sure they abound), make a comment.

First, for the Africa update. I am going tomorrow for my pre-departure physical and to talk with my doctor about shots, etc. It looks like I only need Hep A and B boosters, an MMR booster, and possibly a Rabies shot. I will also have to figure out what malaria medication to take. Oh, Malarone, how I have missed you for 8 months! Still no word on the application, but we're keeping tabs. I'll let you know when I know something.

Second, just a note about the last post. I promise I won't post my politics very often, but I was really gripped by that story. Those of you who know me well are thinking, "we'll hear the politics bit again," and you're probably right, but I'll try to keep it to a minimum.

Now for the important stuff--pictures from this weekend!!

I went to visit Emmy in Tallahassee, which was a great kick-off to my Southeast Tour pre-departure visits. I plan to see as many people as possible while I can. We went to Wakulla Springs, which is the beginning of the Wakulla River and a relative freshwater swamp. We saw Sewannee cooters (this picture), American Anhingas (next picture) and many other water birds, and even a few alligators. It really was a blast. That and a trip to the Melting Pot made the visit quite the treat! I even got some quality bed buddy time with Emmy's new pooch, Buddy. He's quite the charmer, though he did have an unfortunate run-in with some smelly something while I was there. We still love him, though.

On the way home, I stopped at the Peanut Hut to buy some boiled peanuts. I called Granddaddy just to let him know, and we both laughed about "Gandaddy, I wike peanuts." I listened to a book on CD (Sons of Fortune, which I highly recommend), and generally enjoyed the ride. I hope that all of my Southeast Tour goes as well. Indigo Girls, you're next, then on to Flo-town.

The job is still going exceedingly well, and I'm enjoying feeling as if I'm in the professional world for a little while. That should be all I need, too. Just a little while.

1 comment:

Soprano said...

and i'm in a couple of weeks!!!

also, i feel like i should let you know that evidently the barrister ball is october 20...

the barrister ball = law school prom, and promises to be quite fun and funny... so perhaps you should bring a dress

though i know you are also visiting someone in mississippi on the same trip so maybe you won't be here on the 20th.... but if you are... we might be getting dolled up to get our groove thing on with the crazy law students! :)

i can't wait to see you!!!!

also, i'll be home for about 48 hours next weekend for an interview. just throwing it out there.