Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

I received a message from Katy in Jo'burg that she had submitted my application on Thursday. Now the waiting really if I haven't done enough of that already. It's as if everyone I see at BSC or BR or anywhere else says "I thought you were off to Africa already." So did I.

I also found that I will have to put down an $800 "repatriation deposit" for my visa. Good lord. The words of my dad keep ringing in my ears: "This scholarship is going to cost me an arm and a leg." I hope not. So far, the running total is a car, a repatriation deposit, doctors' appointments, and travel money. This should all be under $5000, but that's still a good deal. You can only live once, though. Might as well do it right.

That's all for an update. Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your new (for many of you post-collegiate) lives, as I am mine. I find that I am so fortunate to have wonderful friends who love and support me and an incredible family that loves me. Which reminds me, I ought to give a public thanks to my sister for dealing with me during a recent meltdown. I realized that I did not have enough of my medicine to make it through the week, which would cause me to be sick at some point. So, I called home and let them know that I needed the RX filled and sent to me through the mail. At this point, I began to think, "If I can't even take care of myself in Birmingham, how can I expect to take care of myself in AFRICA?!" My kind, sweet sister responds, "You know, Lisa, some days you leave your umbrella in your car and it's raining, you leave your homework in your locker, and you forget your kneepads." Sage. I am beginning to consider the possibility that she was right and that maybe I will make it. Maybe.

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