Thursday, July 19, 2007

Don't feel like dancin'...

We're home! I made it back to Jo'burg from holiday, which was lovely. Really, really lovely. We saw hippos, crocodiles, and vervet monkeys in the wild at St. Lucia, ate street-vended pineapples and cashews in Maputo, talked with Naftal, scouted zebra and elephant at Kruger, and returned home in one piece.

Now, I have to get back to work, and in a serious way. I have to go to school tomorrow and give my kids their mostly abysmal grades. Luckily, it seems they did equally poorly in all of their classes, so they may not be too shocked. I still won't like it, though. Then I have a literature review due on Monday--aaah! Classes begin Tuesday, and then life starts up again in full swing. So, the song which we played over and over on our roadtrip rings in my head--Scissor Sisters' "I Don't Feel Like Dancin'." But I will soon enough.

Promise pictures soon--I just wanted to let you know that I was safe and sound in Jo'burg.

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