Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fill it Up Again

And now it's time for me to gush about the Indigo Girls! This week's installment of the Southeast Tour included a trip to Atlanta to see Emily and Amy at the Tabernacle. The venue is beautiful! It is an old church/opera house with stained glass windows, two balconies, and huge organ pipes behind the stage. The opener was Roman Candle, which was just okay, in my opinion; however, the Girls certainly made up for that!!

First, we were really, really close. Probably only 5 rows of standing people from the front. When they sang "Get Out the Map," Skye and I screamed at "Joni left for South Africa," and they looked at us! Yes, I'm a little starstruck, but it was really a wonderful concert. Highlights included "Shame on You," "Fly Away," "Fill it Up Again," and "Gallileo." We met up with the others afterward for coffee, and it was a generally fun trip.

Another highlight of this weekend was the birth of my first college friend's baby!! It's hard to imagine that someone with whom I've had sleepovers in the past two years is now married with a baby. It's also hard to imagine that I will always be an adult to that child. But she is beautiful, and we are all very thankful.

On the scholarship front, we are still waiting for an acceptance letter...I am working on finding things to give away to Rotarians, so if you have any ideas, let me know. I am thinking of calling the Birmingham Chamber, Vulcan, and Sloss. Maybe I'll have some "Moons over Homewood" to share with Johannesburg!


lenwa said...

it's probably a lot of work...but you could do one for like your sponsor...

i'm going to try to do this for my friend sina...

i want to get an alabama state map from a visitor's info place (they're free!)...then i want to mark little places on there with significant things about me and the state...

it's a little cheesy, i know...but for people that have no idea about alabama, could be cool...

i'll keep thinking of other things...

are you from the homewood district?

you might want to try and contact the birmingham city council...some of them are mean, but they might be friendly to you...hehehe

Unknown said...

you could totally get some hoover football shirts to take with you...i hear two-a-days is HUGE in African...;)

lenwa said...

lisa...i want to know where flat stanley went :o)