Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A post for my nerdy friends

Dear friends,

My sister often tells me that I'm a loser. I would be concerned about this, except that it usually involves my love of National Public Radio. I have no problem with this, really. She can make fun all she wants, but NPR makes my life. So it would be no surprise to you that living outside the US has been difficult for my morning commute, my early Saturday morning, and my Sunday morning/afternoon. And it has been! My internet connection is simply not fast enough to sustain streaming WBHM, and that's a challenge for sure.

But no more darkness, friends. I have come upon a beautiful addition to my life. NPR Podcasts. They're free! They're wonderful! They're easy to upload to your iPod! I'm currently listening to Peter Segel on my favorite show Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me! the NPR quizshow. I think next I'll turn to Car Talk and then to Fresh Air. I haven't found Tales from Lake Woebegone, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. My life is now complete.

I must, however, thank the lovely people at Acura and Grey Goose Vodka for sponsoring such a wonderful service to humankind! I can take care of supporting Grey Goose on my own with some friends, but I'm going to need your help in supporting Acura. Your options are these: 1. buy an Acura, 2. Buy ME an Acura.

Your nerdy friend Lisa


Anonymous said...

Lisa, you must check out the new car your dad is buying for Carl. It is so cool that it made photo of the day in the Mufreesboro Post (a weekly free paper). Check it out on line at: www.murfreesboropost.com/

Kathy Kano

Unknown said...

AHHH YES!! NPR podcasts are the best! You also have to get This American Life and Fresh Air. Sooo good. Tell your sister that if listening to NPR constantly makes you a nerd, then that makes me the Lord-High nerd.
I miss you all the time. Don't die. Have fun. Love and kisses!

Anonymous said...

90 % of the time in my car is spent listening to NPR. I even know all the reporters names on Morning Edition and All Things Considered. NPR nerds of the world unite!


Anonymous said...

Truth be told, NPR sustained me on car trip back from the DC/North Virginia area. 10 hours in a car with only radio = lots of time for NPR.

Katy G. said...

I've met both Bob Edwards (former Morning Edition host) and Scott Simon! Thrills for this NPR nerd.

I heart NPR soooo much, and it's been one of the hardest things about being here in SA. I can't use streaming at work (not allowed to waste valuable company bandwidth), and my home connection is too slow.

When I was in B'ham in May, I got such a thrill out of hearing NPR every day! I even sent a fan email to Steve Chiotakis. :)