Thursday, February 15, 2007

If a picture's worth a thousand words...

I promised pictures, and here they are. Now I'll get busy taking some more.

Present from Lynne and Peter on my bed when I arrived--bath gel, etc., the book Rabble Rouser for Peace about my buddy Desmond, a beautiful card, and towels

The lake outside my "res"

My "res," West Campus Village and fountain in the lake

Me--see! I really live here!

The Senate House/Great Hall building featured in all of the Wits information

Me and Nelson doing the Madiba Shuffle. Can't figure out why it won't turn...

At Moyo for my birthday

Face painting from Moyo

A cricket Katy and I found outside Colleen's house. That's a 6" pen next to it for perspective. They call them Johannesburg Lobsters

Big 5 sand sculpture at the Durban beach

Ok, I even flipped this one in the viewer and it still won't work. You get the idea, though.

Beach with beach-goers at Durban. The surf was INCREDIBLY rough, but there were still lots of swimmers

Downtown Durban

I can verifiably say that I have NEVER had an award-winning cappucino at the Piggly Wiggly! Katy and I found this sign on the way to the Midmar Mile

Swimmers at the Midmar Mile. One of those little yellow caps is Katy. If you look all the way across the lake (Dam), you can see just how far they swam (a mile, duh).

So, I hope that you enjoyed the picture updates! I miss and love you all.


Anonymous said...

"You made me so very happy."

I am thrilled to see so many pictures! The "lake" outside your res looks more like something from a botanical garden. Shame. I love the Egyptian duck and that massive cricket. Katie and Carl were grossed out.

LG said...

For those of you now confused about the duck, it's on facebook. Way to go, Mom. Lame-o. Just kidding--but there will be pictures of ducks soon because we have six little duck babies now!

asenath waite said...

fyi, picture solution:

1. open item in paint.
2. go to "image" menu, select "flip/rotate."
3. rotate 90 degrees.
4. save!
6. profit.

ps. joburg looks fantastic.

LG said...

Thanks! I feel like I have a whole family in NOLA now.