Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The day you knew would arrive is here--you'll survive.

Again, points for anyone who can identify the origin of the post title. Of course, then you'll know that choice is a little inappropriate, though you might be able to argue that I was "obviously going through some adolescent phase." (Hint: one of Lisa's favorite musicals)

So, today is my last full day in the states. No, this doesn't make the Boro seem better, but it does make me excited/nostalgic about many things. So, I've decided to publish a few of my thoughts over the past few weeks. Hopefully, this will be updated during the plane rides tomorrow, so be sure to check back if you're a blog-checker.

1. Gmail looks funny in Turkish.
2. I really didn't trust the driving skills US taxi drivers--who knew you could actually get in a wreck in a taxi--in Rome!
3. Traveling makes you tired. This would have been a good thought a few months ago when I signed up for my fifth interim.
4. Interim trips are fun, no matter how old you are.
5. I don't know how to say 1:30pm in South Africa. Is it 13:30?
6. I had forgotten that the proper South African response to "thank you" is "pleasure."
7. I'm not worried about not knowing where I will live. Should I be worried about this?
8. Packing never gets done in the amount of time you plan. Probably because you're updating your blog, dummy.
9. A 12 hour flight is long, even when your best friends are along for the ride. No, this doesn't mean you should flip out since you now have a 12 hour flight by yourself.
10. EVERYONE knows someone in South Africa. Seriously. Test this theory. I think there are only 2 degrees of separation for most people.
11. Rotarians are incredibly kind people.
12. My birthday is in the second week I'm in Jo'burg. And I thought the first day of classes at home was bad. At least it's not the superbowl this year.
13. People in Johannesburg won't watch the superbowl!
14. People in Johannesburg won't watch the Oscars. :(
15. I love care packages (you knew that was coming).
16. My guitar will soon look as if it's been everywhere from its new collection of stickers. Hopefully, it will have actually been most of those places.
17. Turkish food tastes a lot like African food, believe it or not.
18. Turkey looks a lot like California.
19. I will probably really miss driving.
20. Wherever you are on Feb. 23, I've got you beat--the Royal Yacht Club in Cape Town
21. Nelson Mandela WILL be my best friend, even if Abbott's good vibes alone get me there.
22. I love visitors! A trip to Jo'burg costs anywhere from $1400-2000 and then lodging is free! I'm serious about that. Check Delta and South African Air
23. I will miss sushi.
24. I'm going to be a master-knitter! I have a new book and all kinds of time. Same goes for the guitar.
25. I'm going to miss you! Email, Skype, or write soon!

I'll get into Jo'burg on Sunday morning and I'll update you then. Until then, Happy Trails!


Anonymous said...

I will also be at the Royal Yacht Club in Cape Town on Feb 23rd :-)
Yes. We are very lucky.

lavitaso said...

Good luck! Have fun! I love you!

Anonymous said...

I love you, and I miss you.

You are great. Don't forget.


Anonymous said...

I love you and I miss you.

You are wonderful. Don't forget.


Unknown said...

so, the blog comments all come up in chinese. i'm guessing that's only for me...
i can't wait to send you a package, so send me an address missy! :D
love you. may the adventure begin with a thankful heart

Anonymous said...

12 hours or not, you have entertainment! I made sure of it! My keyboard is wet with my tears for you. Remember, friendships take time and energy, and sometimes you have to share your deepest, darkest secrets before the other person will open up to you. And you should have things in common. Too bad you never spent any time in an African jail. Maybe you could work on that. Then you and Nelson would have something to bond over. I love you I love you I love you I love you I should stop writing I love you because people are going to get worried that I'm a stalker I love you I love you I love you! I love you.

Anonymous said...

The title of your post is from "Evita" (of course I would know that--we once tried to sing the whole thing driving from Springfield to Branson!)
Love you!

Katy G. said...

Some comments:
1. You don't have to miss sushi! I know a place in Jo'burg that's pretty decent, and a place in Cape Town that's terrific!
2. 1.30 pm is written as 13h30 but spoken as 1.30.
3. People in Jo'burg *are* interested in the Oscars! Those who have satellite t.v. will watch. Start asking around.